Boxer Rescue (UK)

Permanently Homed Dogs



(also known as Hannibal Lecter)

Hello.  My name is GEORGE, but my mum and dad (Cath & Brian) also call me Hannibal Lecter.  I have not seen the film, but I understand it is scary - like I was when I first came to live here.

I lived in Essex originally, and I think I had a happy life for a while, but then things began to go wrong.  I do not know why - perhaps I was considered a nuisance.  I was shut in a shed all the time, and my old owner used to ill treat me.  I had to retaliate in the only way I knew - by being aggressive as soon as I was approached.

We moved over to the Isle of Man to live when I was about four years old, but I soon became a liability to my owners in such a small community.  They advertised me in the local paper as not good with children - by then I wasn't good with anyone, let alone children, having totally lost my trust in humans.

A couple of Boxer owners saw the advert and came to see me.  They even took me for walks, but I attacked them when we disagreed over the route taken.

I was soon bound for Liverpool with this couple on the ferry.  They were taking no chances, though.  I wore a Halti as a muzzle and a harness, and I was held firmly on two strong leads, which each of them held tightly to stop me attacking anyone.

We walked off the ferry in the early morning and as we reached the roadway I was introduced to my new mum.  She looked puzzled as I wagged my tail, more in hope than anything, but I could sense there was something different in this lady - she had love to give me, and she wasn't frightened of me.  I had no idea what sort of life I would lead at this time - or if I even had a life to look forward to at all.  I was loaded into the dog bus and taken to my new home.

I soon learnt from the other dogs I met at my new home that I would be safe, but having led such a miserable and stressful life it was not easy for me to understand this.  I was a wreck - physically as well as mentally.  My muzzle was prematurely grey, my ears were very sore from neglect, my coat was in poor condition due to stress, and my feet were just red blobs with long nails protruding out of them.  I am a big dog, and I would have been a proud dog had I been allowed to lead a normal, happy life.  I had no reason to quarrel with any of the dogs in my new home, and I kept clear of any arguments.  I just wanted a good rest - I was exhausted.

I gave my new parents a hard time though, attacking them frequently.  I didn't just snap, either - I would launch myself and do my best to hurt them.  I really wanted to be a good dog for them, but years of mistrust do not disappear overnight.  Gradually, my behaviour changed, although I would still let my mum and dad know if I was really upset in my usual way, with flying teeth.  I was never punished for my tantrums, though, even if I drew blood.

My rehabilitation took nearly two years, and I will have been here for three years in January 2001.  In that time I have been castrated and one of my ear canals has been sealed up, with a new canal opened on the side of my face in a procedure called an aural resection.  I need the other ear to be done, but I am OK for the moment.  My feet and skin are still bad, despite treatment, but I no longer feel stressed - except when I have to have any treatment done.  I pinned the vet to the wall one day.  Good thing I am always muzzled when I need to be handled by anyone other than my parents!  My mum trims my nails by giving me a sedative first, and then I am muzzled.  I still try my best to attack her, even when I am drugged!

I am a happy boy now, with plenty of other doggy friends to pass the time with.  I have learnt to play and be affectionate with my mum, and I don't try to bite her now.  We go for walks together, but I am only allowed off lead in certain places, for obvious reasons.  Every night we have a cuddle in bed before Brian comes up and tells me to go and lie in my basket.  I cannot be trusted enough to ever be placed in a new home, but I love my mum and dad here and am happy to stay.  I have a life here, which is more than I could have expected anywhere else.

As you can see from George's story, the dogs that we keep here permanently are given a second chance to lead as normal a life as possible.

If you would like to sponsor, or help us continue giving George a normal life, then please contact us.

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