Boxer Rescue (UK)

Neglected Boxer


Sadly, some Boxers arrive in a terrible condition following physical or mental abuse.  After sometimes lengthy rehabilitation, we endeavour to place these dogs with understanding owners, but if not, the Boxer will live out his/her life with us in our home, and receive as much support as needed.  We operate a non-destruction policy, providing we ourselves can handle the dog and as long as the dog is not a danger to the public.


Due to the upheaval of Christmas, with all the family excitement, we will not normally rehome any dog to new homes from mid December until at least the start of January.  We will only make an exception to this restriction if we know that there will not be huge family gatherings and a disrupted routine.  Boxers need time to adjust to their new surroundings, and too much excitement will only make an already stressed dog more confused and disorientated.

The welfare of each dog must come first, and as we do not supply dogs as 'Christmas presents' we are sure that prospective owners will be patient and understand our concerns.


Rehoming Policy Statement

(24 January 2002)

Please note that we are in the process of moving to near Holywell in North Wales.

Until we are all living in the same house our normal practice of rehoming throughout the UK is suspended, and travelling limited to a radius of 100 miles. We are sorry for this break in our normal rehoming methods, but Cath cannot be in two places at once. If this enforced restriction affects you please telephone as we may be able to find a solution.

  1. All dogs in our care are assessed prior to rehoming, for health and behaviour problems.  Dogs are also wormed and vaccinated if necessary, though please accept that a current vaccination card is not always available from a previous owner.  Prospective owners are given as much information as possible concerning the history of the dog, our subsequent assessment, and our advice regarding future care.  We make our own judgment, based on some thirty years of Boxer experience, of an animal’s suitability for rehoming, rather than on a previous owner’s explanation of why their dog has to be rehomed, which may, or may not, be entirely truthful.

  2. Please note that we cannot guarantee the behaviour, or subsequent health, of any dog rehomed through Boxer Rescue (UK), not can we be held liable for any damage to property or personal injuries incurred.

  3. All dogs are microchipped to Boxer Rescue (UK) for life.  If a dog becomes lost and is subsequently scanned, Boxer Rescue (UK) will be contacted.  Owners are required to notify Boxer Rescue (UK) if the dog strays, is stolen, or otherwise leaves their care.

  4. Once rehomed, a dog remains the ultimate property of Boxer Rescue (UK), and will be removed if:

    • The dog is used for breeding purposes, male or female.  Please note that any puppies produced will become the automatic property of Boxer Rescue (UK).

    • The dog is passed on to a third person, or another animal rescue, for whatever reason. Boxer Rescue (UK) will take legal action if a dog is subsequently rehomed in this way and will recover the dog and all costs involved.

  5. New owners are required to seek qualified veterinary care should their dog become ill or injured.  Failure to do so will result in our removing the dog and your blacklisting with other rescue organisations, both locally and nationally.

  6. We will support any subsequent RSPCA prosecution if a dog is neglected or abused whilst in your care.


Christmas Eve 2001 was spent prematurely ending the life of a rescued Boxer, one whose original owner had trusted me to find his dog a good home, some months before.  This dog was fit and active when he was rehomed, yet within weeks his new owner complained that he was wetting all over the house.  The correct advice was given: take him to the vet as he might have a kidney/urinary tract infection.

Nothing was heard until a week before Christmas, when an abusive owner insisted on my collecting the dog immediately as the dog was showing signs of aggression and was still incontinent.  No veterinary treatment had been sought, indeed, having also tried to dump the dog onto another Boxer Rescue contact, it was now known that this person had lost his temper with the dog on more than one occasion and assaulted him.

An exhausting drive of some ten hours through Christmas shopping traffic was endured as the owner refused to help in any way.  During the veterinary examination on Christmas Eve morning he turned on me and the young female vet when the back of his neck was touched, and it was obvious that this dog had suffered during his time with this owner.  It took me and the vet nearly two hours to euthenase this dog, who had to be muzzled, with his lead wrapped round his head and jaw to keep him from eating me, and my body weight on top of his head and shoulders to keep him from trying to kill both of us.  The lethal dose given was enough to kill three horses, never mind a Boxer.

This was not the happy dog I remembered, but a raging, dangerous animal, bent on hurting us before we could hurt him.  What did his owner tell me? "I promised him a dog that was house trained! I hadn't kept that promise! I didn't give him what he wanted!"  Give me strength not to do to him what he had done to that dog.......Over many years of voluntary work for Boxer Rescue, I have considered stopping and leading a quiet life.  This time, had we not been in the position of nearly achieving our dream house, I would have called it a day.  I have given my life to Boxer Rescue, and for what?  Certainly not to be abused by arrogant scum.  This dog did have a raging bladder infection, and did not deserve what happened to him after he left my care.

Please, if you want a designer dog, go and get a puppy from a breeder.  Better still, if you want a dog that does not get sick, is always clean and doesn't need walking, get a toy, not a dog.


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